David Patrick Blais began suffering a sudden and serious mental illness in early June 2018. He received regular and consistent therapy from extremely qualified providers up until December 2018. He also died December 2018. Here is his story.

David was a 33 year old, lifelong resident of Essex County Massachusetts. The day he died, he was in the company of two (+ plus) individuals who knew the details of this sudden psychiatric illness extremely well. Nevertheless, they planned a gun shooting trip to a gravel pit in Maine. They spun an incredulous explanation of what happened that day.

Both witnesses stated: “It was an accident.”

The gun owner stated: “He confused a cigarette with my pistol.”

The detective tells David's mother a few hours later: “It was an impulsive suicide.”

No testing of the gun, which the owner immediately removed, emptied, cleaned and put in his truck minutes away.

No body temperature or rigor mortis recorded. No internal autopsy as required for suspicious deaths. No explanations as to how David could commit suicide with two separate bullet exit wounds per subpoenaed reports.

Family and 3rd-parties immediately rejected the verdict of suicide. Any objection to a violent, unnatural or gunshot death must be categorized as a suspicious death. Suspicious deaths require thorough investigations and the body must be retained until the investigation is complete. David's body was deemed “ready for transport” the very next day (The Sunday of New Years Eve Weekend).

The grief David’s loved ones feel is compounded by the casual disinterest from authorities in finding out the truth. Despite years of legal representation and countless hours of independent inquiry into David’s suspicious death, we achieved no satisfactory truths of what actually happened to David the day he died.

We share the above information with you in hopes that one day someone will help us achieve justice for David, and in doing so, expose the loopholes in our justice system pertaining to the victimization of mentally ill individuals, government corruption and irresponsible gun regulations.